Show HN: Mapping policy issues with debate graphs

2 points by JamieTheJoyce 3 hours ago

When I read the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, I encountered the phrase "in the sincere spirit of inquiry after truth" when he was describing the debates that took place at his Junto; which eventually created the first public subscription library in the U.S.

From that single phrase, I was inspired to found the Benjamin Franklin Society Library (DBA The Society Library) to seek truth on complex policy issues at the claim-level, but also create graphs of the debated claims in context. So the idea is to map out debates at the 'societal-scale' so we have relevant information to see various policy options and the claims that support them, to make more informed decisions based on available info possible.

>> This was a manmade graph about nuclear policy that took my team thousands of hours (excuse unprocessed/messy data):

>> That map is also visualized in this other interactive "document" format:

>> Now we're automating the creation of those graphs with LLMs and agentic search tools. See some progress:

We would love any and all feedback. Thank you.