transfer92 7 minutes ago

It's a tragedy when someone commits suicide. I am in favor of open access to scientific literature.

But I don't think he's a hero, and I don't think he deserves a statue.

thetopher 15 hours ago

This looks like a scam. They’re asking for $5k - 20k individual donations for a statue that (according to the supposed sculptor’s website) will only cost $6,000.

Why are they asking for so much money?

Also, the website claims that donations are tax-deductible, but there’s no mention of a registered non-profit organization.

No transparency. So many questions.

  • pablopeniche 11 hours ago

    Hey thetopher, I'm the guy building the statue. My name is Pablo Peniche (@pablopeniche on twitter). I'm happy to put my name on it and answer questions.

    The cost of the bigger-than-life-size statue (about 1.3x) is ~$25,000 (I'm happy to show you the receipts) Shipping is ~$6,000 (it's "art" shipment so it's more expensive). + Installation at the park + Permits from city gov + Costs of the unveiling event

    A 501c3 (not my own, but a tech-culture magazine "The Mars Review of Books") is sponsoring the project, so yea all donations are tax deductible.

    I've personally paid ~$10,000 (again, I'm happy to show receipts) to get the design of the statue + website - and I made it all open-source so anyone can 3D print their own statue, for free.

    Let me know if you have more questions.

    • ebcode 9 hours ago

      Hi Pablo, I agree w/ thetopher that this needs more transparency. If you're happy to show your receipts to date, you should do so on the website. Also, offer a way to contact you (email, phone, something) that isn't twitter.

    • breck 19 minutes ago

      Aloha Pablo. Aaron was a mentor to me and one of my "heroes" (as much as one can have heros). My greatest regret in life is not being brave enough to stand up with him when he was under attack. I've cried about that often.

      I'd love to help you out.


    • morserer 6 hours ago

      I'd like receipts publicly posted as well.

      What is the purpose behind hiding the statue's location?

  • NoahKAndrews 3 hours ago

    The $6000 number is just for a bust

throwaway81523 15 hours ago

I've been wanting to endow a chair at the Mechanics Institute Library named after Aaron. Those have apparently gone up to $500 recently, but that still has to be a lot cheaper than a professorship at Stanford or anyplace like that:

My idea is to place it near the computer terminals in the library, so you could sit in it and send out job application emails starting "I currently occupy the Aaron Swartz endowed chair at the San Francisco Mechanics' Institute...". Heh.

pablopeniche 20 hours ago

We're building a statue of Aaron Swartz.

Our internet is under threat, once again.

The marble bust, to be installed in a public park in SF, will remind us of our internet values: freedom of speech, freedom of access, and privacy.

RSVP for the unveiling on Nov 8th (Aaron's birthday) in SF and DONATE! –

teruakohatu 18 hours ago

> Carved in marble, to be installed in a public park in [UNDISCLOSED], San Francisco

Isn’t it unusual to censor the location, wouldn’t this be public information anyone could request from the city?

In my city, in New Zealand, this would have been discussed in committee meetings along with mountains of paperwork and health and safety documents.

The RSVP as an image that might be a render of the statue or bust:

  • dewey 18 hours ago

    Maybe it's a way of saying that they don't know where yet (permissions etc.)?

    • PlunderBunny 18 hours ago

      Or that they don't intend to get permission.

jampekka 18 hours ago

JSTOR is a disgrace. RIP Aaron Swartz.

bubblesnort 10 hours ago

Aaron Swartz should be remembered but afaik he committed suicide.

As someone with a failed attempt, I hope this doesn't set an example for others to an hero.

  • sn0n 5 hours ago

    You skipped part of the story friend.

kajika91 18 hours ago

I'm not good with names and forgot who he was. I think the website should have given a short reminder.

He is a famous activist behind the Creative Commons. Died too young in 2013 at the age of 26.

DowagerDave 17 hours ago

Would a better tribute be something that's directly related to appropriate internet activism, and not physically tied to a single location that few will ever see/visit/care about?

  • ddingus 16 hours ago

    This can be widely publicized, and IMHO, should be. That's a start.