ch0ic3 12 hours ago

I screenshotted the question and pasted it in Claude 3.5 Sonnet. It answered:

To determine the output of the given function for an input of 3, let's analyze the code step by step:

The function is called fizzbuzz(n) and we're considering n = 3. The return statement uses a conditional expression: return (["Fizz","Buzz","FizzBuzz"])[ (n % 3 === 0) + (n % 5 === 0) ]; Let's break down the conditions:

(n % 3 === 0) evaluates to true (1) because 3 is divisible by 3 (n % 5 === 0) evaluates to false (0) because 3 is not divisible by 5

Adding these boolean values: 1 + 0 = 1 This result (1) is used as an index to select from the array ["Fizz", "Buzz", "FizzBuzz"] Index 1 in this array corresponds to "Buzz"

Therefore, for an input of 3, the function will return "Buzz". This might seem counterintuitive since typically in a FizzBuzz problem, numbers divisible by 3 return "Fizz". However, the indexing in this implementation leads to this unexpected result. Would you like me to explain any part of this analysis further?

  • rep_lodsb 3 hours ago

    That's kind of impressive, being able to reason through it like this. However, I think that its normal "thought process" - and resulting limitations - is well illustrated by the remark about "the typical FizzBuzz problem":

    It recognizes patterns that already exist in training data. Seeing "Fizz", "Buzz", and the modulo operator would naturally make it jump to a wrong conclusion, unless prompted to go through it step by step. Most humans wouldn't make this mistake, but then they probably also haven't memorized the "canonical" FizzBuzz example, so who can say if they are smarter or just forced to reason more carefully ;)

    But even the step-by-step process depends on having seen enough similar examples before, and would likely be prone to confusion by more unusual code that only sort-of-matches a common pattern, perhaps with misleading comments. I wonder if any current LLM can correctly explain what this does:

        ; Example 1 - Print "Hello world" on Linux, x86-64
        ; Assemble : nasm -felf64 hello.asm
        ; Link     : ld -o hello hello.o
        section .data
        Foo:        db "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",10
        Bar:        db 17,42,27,36,3,41,20,39,13,6,44,0
        section .text
        default rel
        global _start
            lea     rdi,Bar                 ;load pointer to buffer
        L1: movzx   ecx,byte [rdi]          ;get input
            jrcxz   L2                      ;exit on null byte
            lea     rsi,Foo                 ;load pointer to string
            rep     lodsb                   ;convert to ASCII
            stosb                           ;store output
            jmp     L1
        L2: mov     eax,1                   ;write
            lea     rsi,Bar                 ;buffer
            mov     rdx,rdi                 ;length = rdi - buffer
            sub     rdx,rsi
            mov     edi,1                   ;handle = stdout
            mov     eax,60                  ;exit
            xor     edi,edi                 ;status
    (stnemmoc eht ni detats egassem eht ni tluser ton seod hcihw ,"ooF" ni noitisop retcarahc gnidnopserroc eht ot "raB" ni etyb hcae setalsnart ti taht si rewsna ehT)
JPLeRouzic 3 hours ago

Yesterday ChatGPT without being solicited caught a bug in a piece of code I sent it for another reason.

These kinds of tools might not achieve ad hoc extremely difficult tests, but they are of great use to me and probably to many people.

positus 11 hours ago

Here’s o1’s answer:

The function `fizzbuzz(n)` returns a value based on whether `n` is divisible by 3, 5, both, or neither. Let's break down the function step by step for an input of `n = 3`:

1. Array Initialization:

  ["Fizz", "Buzz", "FizzBuzz"]

   This array has indices 0, 1, and 2 corresponding to "Fizz", "Buzz", and "FizzBuzz" respectively.
2. Condition Checks:

   - `n % 3 === 0` checks if `n` is divisible by 3.

     - For `n = 3`, this is `true` (which equates to `1` when used in arithmetic).

   - `n % 5 === 0` checks if `n` is divisible by 5.

     - For `n = 3`, this is `false` (which equates to `0`).
3. Index Calculation:

  (n % 3 === 0) + (n % 5 === 0)

   - For `n = 3`, this becomes `1 + 0 = 1`.
4. Array Access:

  ["Fizz", "Buzz", "FizzBuzz"][1]

   - This accesses the element at index `1`, which is `"Buzz"`.

For an input of `3`, the function returns `"Buzz"`.



aster0id 13 hours ago

I use various models through Openrouter API + Open WebUI with a custom step by step prompt. Here's the output using the Qwen2.5 72B model:

To determine the output of the given `fizzbuzz` function for an input of 3, let's break down the code step by step:

1. *Function Definition*: ```javascript function fizzbuzz(n) { return (["Fizz","Buzz","FizzBuzz"])[ (n % 3 === 0) + (n % 5 === 0) ]; } ```

2. *Input*: - The input `n` is 3.

3. *Evaluate the Conditions*: - `n % 3 === 0`: This checks if `n` is divisible by 3. - For `n = 3`, `3 % 3 === 0` is `true`. - Therefore, `(n % 3 === 0)` evaluates to `1` (since `true` is treated as `1` in arithmetic operations). - `n % 5 === 0`: This checks if `n` is divisible by 5. - For `n = 3`, `3 % 5 === 0` is `false`. - Therefore, `(n % 5 === 0)` evaluates to `0` (since `false` is treated as `0` in arithmetic operations).

4. *Sum the Results*: - The expression `(n % 3 === 0) + (n % 5 === 0)` becomes `1 + 0`, which equals `1`.

5. *Array Indexing*: - The array `["Fizz", "Buzz", "FizzBuzz"]` is indexed by the result of the sum. - The index `1` corresponds to the second element of the array, which is `"Buzz"`.

6. *Return Value*: - The function returns `"Buzz"`.

Therefore, the output of the function `fizzbuzz(3)` is `"Buzz"`.

### Reflection and Error Checking - *Step-by-Step Verification*: - The conditions `n % 3 === 0` and `n % 5 === 0` are correctly evaluated. - The sum of the boolean results is correctly calculated. - The array indexing is correctly performed. - *Logical and Factual Accuracy*: - The logic and arithmetic operations are correct. - The array indexing is consistent with the conditions.

No errors were found in the reasoning or the final answer. The output of the function `fizzbuzz(3)` is indeed `"Buzz"`.

atomic128 9 hours ago

Too easy.

But can your LLM understand this Go code and explain to you how it works?

  func extract(x, m uint64) uint64 {
      x &= m
      var (
          holes = ^m
          shift = uint(1)
      for ; shift < 64; shift *= 2 {
          odd := holes
          odd ^= odd << 1
          odd ^= odd << 2
          odd ^= odd << 4
          odd ^= odd << 8
          odd ^= odd << 16
          odd ^= odd << 32
          holes &^= odd
          move := x & odd
          x ^= move
          x |= move >> shift
      return x
What does this compute, and how is that computation achieved?

More broadly, I'm curious to know how much of the BUGFIX-66 debugging gauntlet your LLM can solve.

You have to Google it, because I'm not allowed to link to it on Hacker News. Banned.

  • emptiestplace 9 hours ago

    4o did a great job at this, both in terms of actually understanding it and explaining in a way that is very easy to follow. I suspect Claude would as well.

    I pasted it here but the formatting got fucked.

    Have you ever used an LLM?

  • botanical76 9 hours ago

    What is your point? Does anyone really believe LLMs are capable of understanding such dense, undocumented, and advanced code today? Or is the state of AI today - specifically at this nontrivial task - supposed to predict that it will never be able to?

maebert 6 hours ago

This feels like a sloppier version of Searle’s Chinese Room.

Is iterative thinking and search required to understand code? And while LLMs don’t do that, why couldn’t complex system like o1 be able to do that?

I was not convinced by Seattle, this is not convincing either.

  • DannyBee 6 hours ago

    It's worse than a sloppier version, because we've already proven it wrong in the literal sense.

    The simulation of code part is trivially wrong - early CPU's were clear fixed function pipelines and they could execute programs (including fizzbuzz)just fine! The author seems to confuse algorithm complexity of the available operations with the power of a particular approximation model. They are mostly unrelated.

    The only thing you require to simulate turing machines, for example, is a simple O(1) NAND gate (and arbitrary amount of constant time memory. Or equivalently, SKI calculus if you hate arbitrary memory). This is because the algorithm complexity of the operations that make up the simulator are (mostly) unrelated to the power of the simulator. They only change the time required to execute the simulation.

    As another example, you can simulate any non-determinstic turing machine with a deterministic one. The models have equivalent power. The open question is "how fast can you do it", not "can you do it".

    Similarly, we can already prove it's possible to build llm's that can simulate arbitrary CPU's to arbitrary precision - the proofs, of course, are not constructive, so it doesn't help you build one.

    On the explaining code front, it doesn't take a huge leap to see that any process you are running on a computer today to explain code could similarly be approximated by a neural network.

    This is just as useless as the author's sloppy statements in practice, but the author purports to make claims about what is possible in theory, not what is practical.

DannyBee 6 hours ago

This whole silly post seems to have been written so they can make this statement, which they seem to believe is profound:

"This failure is not surprising, because any machine learning model, no matter how many magic parameters it has, is only capable of ex ecuting a fixed pipeline of mathematical operations. In algorithmic complexity terms it is O(1). Such a process can not solve any problem that requires iteration or search, not even a simple algorithm like find ing a square root. Certainly it can't tackle the complex logic involved in answering queries about code, where even determining the behav ior of a pure boolean expression is known to be in the much harder NP-complete complexity class."

It is neither profound nor even close to correct.

A CPU capable of only executing a fixed pipeline of mathematical operations can easily deal with all the things they talk about. Amazing? No, it just turns out they have confused a whole bunch of unrelated CS concepts to make a huge muddle of a post (mixing algorithmic complexity, decidability, simulation vs explanation, etc).

This is true even if the pipeline is truly fixed (IE everything passes through every functional unit), as it was in the past.

Th counterpoint to the argument made by the author is simple:

When it comes to determining output, any of the NN's are universal enough could be taught to arbitrarily approximate a CPU well enough to execute code and determine the output with arbitrary levels of precision. Period. Once you take cost out of it, and we venture into the realm of the "what can be done", the author's statement is simply wrong on its face. Even within the real of "less abstract", there are lots of formal papers/studies of this with specific NN types, etc. Even for transformers, which people love to beat up on as huge brute force machines, see, e.g.,

You can even throw compilation of every possible programming language we have compilers for right now in there as a pre-step if you want, since we are in the realm of abstract "what is possible".

Heck, you can go further - any of these NN's could be taught to arbitrarily approximate any machine driven process that can explain code.

That is, if you build a combination static/dynamic analysis tool/whatever that explains code, you can theoretically build an NN can approximate that tool. This is easily provable, and directly counter to the author's point.

Now, much like the author's nonsense, neither of the above is not a particularly useful result in practice[1] - among other reasons, we can prove that it is possible, but the proofs are not constructive, they only show that it must be possible to exist, it doesn't tell you how to make it :)

That's before you get into cost/etc.

There are plenty of things to bash AI code understanding on that are totally valid criticisms, we don't need to waste our time on strange, wrong ones.

[1] - though nvidia would probably be very happy if you build a 1t parameter model to try to approximate a $100 intel CPU's results and convince others to use it.

  • literalAardvark 3 hours ago

    The irony is that even gpt4o can tear down the author's logic.

    --- Let's break down the algorithmic reasoning presented in the post:

    1. Claim that LLMs Operate at O(1) Complexity:

    This is misleading. While LLMs use fixed operations during inference, their actual time complexity depends on the input length (typically O(n) where n is the input size). More importantly, LLMs process text sequentially, meaning they are not strictly O(1).

    2. Mischaracterization of Boolean Logic:

    Boolean expression evaluation is not NP-complete; it's typically O(1) for simple expressions or O(n) for complex nested conditions. NP-complete problems are vastly more difficult, so the comparison is incorrect.

    3. Iterative Problem-Solving:

    While LLMs don't natively "iterate" in the traditional algorithmic sense, they can solve iterative problems through recursion or by generating looping constructs when writing code. The model's failure in the example is not due to an inherent limitation on iteration.

    4. Inability to Debug or Modify Code:

    This claim overlooks that LLMs can assist in debugging and modifying code, though with varying accuracy. They can perform simple fixes or refactor code based on context, though they're less reliable for complex debugging.

    In conclusion, while the post raises valid concerns about LLMs' current limitations, some of its algorithmic claims are flawed or oversimplified.

  • drdeca 6 hours ago

    Hasn’t it been shown that the complexity class of a transformer outputting a single token is TC^0 ? So, you can’t really expect it to directly output what some input code would output without allowing it extra computation steps by letting it output some other tokens first?

    Edit: err… I guess what has been shown is more, a variation on transformers where the attention attends only to the ones that would be tied for first, evenly distributed among those, rather than distributed more generally among all the previous tokens, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the same is true with normal attention

    • dartos 4 hours ago

      > So, you can’t really expect it to directly output what some input code would output without allowing it extra computation steps by letting it output some other tokens first?

      These commercial LLMs are trained to be conversational. That’s why they don’t just output the code’s result.

      ChatGPT and Claude also randomize the seed for each convo (or each message, not sure) and include things like the current date in the prompt.

      It’s very difficult to tell if something is reproducible or just a lucky (or unlucky) output.