sevensor a day ago

> (according to one rumour, because Dana Scott was fond of curry)

I always assumed it was related to Haskell Curry, the logician.

  • quibono a day ago

    That's because it is

    • nuancebydefault 20 hours ago

      She was fond of curry as well.

      • mekoka 15 hours ago

        Dana Stewart Scott is a he, if I'm not mistaken.

iso8859-1 8 hours ago

> Extensionality fails in most dependent type theories

Is this a reason to use Isabelle?

I remember Bob Harper being interested in dependent typing. What is his take on extensionality?

nuancebydefault a day ago

What is the benefitsof the lambda notation over a more intuitive arrow notation like x->x+1?

  • charles-fox a day ago

    I heard it evolved from Bertrand Russell, who used a notation such as \hat{x}.(x+1) to mean similar in Principia Mathematica. Church and maybe others in the logic community originally used the same notation but Church's publisher, not having latex, was unable to print it. So they wanted to move the hat in front of the letter, such as ^x.(x+1). The hat symbol either wasn't available or the instruction got mangled during production into the similar-looking lambda.

    • nuancebydefault 7 hours ago

      Lovely explanation! Everytime I encounter the lambda I will think of the relation to the hat symbol. The latter we used a lot at school.

  • mbivert 17 hours ago

    One benefit could be to emphasize the distinction between regular mathematical functions (e.g. x ↦ x+1) and λ-terms (e.g. λx. x+1): strictly speaking, those are different kind of objects.

  • arethuza a day ago

    What about expressing something a bit more complex like: λf. (λx. f (x x))(λx. f (x x))

    • nuancebydefault 7 hours ago

      It is so complex that i don't even know how to start reading it (not that i am a reference of mathematical complexity). Does the x each time mean something else?

  • hun3 a day ago

    Not much, but you immediately know it's a function (abstraction).

    Besides, the standard notation for the "arrow function" is maplet (x ↦ x + 1) in mathematics. I assume λ notation sees frequent uses in logic and computation theory.

    • DrDeadCrash a day ago

      The characters in OP's arrow function have the benefit of being available on a standard keyboard layout. This has proven to be an important syntactic feature, imo.

      • quibono a day ago

        Haskell uses a single backslash \ in place of λ